A Fireproof Life

Living a FIREPROOF life for the everlasting, almighty GOD of the UNIVERSE

Rangoli’s “Where’s Wally bad guy T-shirt” on mon train ride

Annoying Adren to death when he was trying to draw on the train

Me and Mel stranded in taxi cab while the driver talked to a very pestering lady that wanted insurance details. Apparently, the cab backed into her car, causing a scratch (evidently not visible to the naked eye tho) on her car.

Mel’s move – Ken (mel’s bro) came to Bendigo to help with the move. After a short stop at strath village (which we departed with Yan cuz of her doctor’s appointment), we went around Bendigo city finding Mel’s new home stuff (I ended up watching iRobot at the good guys and laughing myself to death while Mel kept getting prompted to try random beds at forty-winks).
Build mel’s bed from scratch ~ WOOT. We made a few incorrect placement of bed poles but got it in the end yay~ girl power! Surprisingly a lot of effort involved lol.

Lao Shi Nhat teaching us the ways of local anaesthetic movement around the body haha. Heaps of thanks to Nhat for helping me understand the lecture notes, Doey too. I ate heaps while listening to Nhat talk, maybe the food helped.

Nhat teaching us how to say Nguyen the Viet way…laughed to death when he said it in a strange accent to us.

Mel, Yan and I have a current obsession with muffins (not the bake ones but the maccas type). At halls there is everything needed (except bacon) for the perfect grilled muffin with extra cheese ~ yum! Henry actually almost thought mine was from maccas hehe.

Strangest and funniest convo between David Trinh, Mel and myself about self-cleaning pants and evaporating poo ~

Damian’s arm getting stuck between the bed and wall – it was extremely funny, a bit evil but all was well at the end. We filmed a bit of his struggles but then again, as Michael ‘the man’ Pang always says, what doesn’t kill you make you stronger =]

Me, Damian and Mel were laughing like crazy at this site I found when looking for synonyms for psych assessment. I have never laughed so much in my life ~ extremely funny

Playing with rubber dams in clinical prac with Yan >>> ahhh, the many uses of rubber dams and the endless hours of fun and laughter it brings.

Rolling on prac chairs like we’re stuck to it…never getting off and visiting random people while they’re drilling.

Strangely Ken, Damian and Nhat kept laughing behind us in Public health lecture – and me and Yan passing random notes to them in strange languages. Also, Yan writing random Jap phrases that made me laughed a lot. And the lecturer’s funny phrase the only me and Yan know the ‘secret’ meaning to haha.

Tricking Grace with the ‘coin going through rubber dam’ trick =]

Cooking up a storm with Mel – Menu: stir fried bok choy in oyster and garlic sauce, creamy chicken and corn soup, rigotti chicken with onion, soft rice and apple and strawberry blended juice (lol ~ okay I made it sound really really nice – but then again it was not too bad, just a little too much food)

Surprisingly remembered how to turn on the hot water heater >>luckily dad told me how to once. Help set up Mel’s hot water system

Getting distracted by tetris with Amanda

Amazingly getting 100% in a flixster Friends quiz lol, haha, nah…all Mel’s doing…she’s a die hard Friends fan!!

Singing along to David Trinh’s very (surprisingly) nice library of songs. Btw…I’ve made up an equation – Eternal Flame + certain person = *melt* (awwww)

Racing Mel in showering…I wasn’t fast enough tho

Pigging out on cookies, chips and juice with Mel then going slightly cukoo and tried to hip hop dance in my room.

Finishing 3 huge bunches of chai sim and bok choi in one meal along with all perishable items in my fridge ~ tremendous effort by mel and I although it seemed like the food in my bowl kept refilling by it self haha.

Procrastination- like what I’m doing now

Thursday nite: planned on doing CPA essay but ended up mucking around with Mel in my room: dancing, karaoke, eating, chatting, piano & bball (at halls), laughing at photos, browsing through both music collections

Meeting Alister (can’t spell his name) at my house, knowing my housemates. Then unknowingly hiding the green beanbag that Alister threw randomly into my room and causing my housemates to attempt to steal it back from Alister’s room at the halls wearing lab coats and sunnies haha.

Silent eating and communication between me and mel in the OHS seminar

A nice afternoon of playing piano and table tennis (had a some nice smash rallies with Nhat, tried to return Yan’s fast serve and I think I played the first page of “That’s why you go away” on piano a billion times lol)

Watching ‘A knight’s tale’ on the train and laughing loudly

My first ever footy match. Went with Sinwa, Karleen, Sam, Michael and Isaac – a very St Kilda game but Essendon did a bit of catch up in 3rd quarter but ended up losing. Owell.
Numerous half hour calls with Mel

Awesome message by Mark Connor on Saturday service (7 deadly sins) and meeting Cat and Jo Cheah (I have seen them in ages) and meeting Sam and Isaac and talking about random stuff

Still procrastinating the clinical practice essay!!

Loving jam session with my bro!


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