A Fireproof Life

Living a FIREPROOF life for the everlasting, almighty GOD of the UNIVERSE

So…yesterday was Harsh’s birthday at AMF bowling. I accidentally bang her prez against a rock, there was a gaping hole on the side but I think the pressie inside the box is okay. It wasn’t my fault, the rock crashed into me. =]

Bowling was fun. Everyone was getting too many gutter balls so we got the guards up. Then we all aced it!! I realised that you can bounce the balls off the guards so that you can hit the pins better. And guess wat? It worked a couple of times, hehe. I must say Esther did the best with the ball reflection, her ball almost always made contact with the middle of the pins awesum. Yea, there was a bit of physics involved but owell, if it works lol. Also, the “good” balls took ages to arrive back from ‘back there’ so I decided to work out the speed of the ball, hehe (its 1.428m/s, Yunn did the nitty gritty division). Oh no, physics is getting into my head. I got 3 strikes and a couple of spares, yay!! Happi happi. Rest of night was pretty crazy, couldn’t stop laughing.

Other cool stuff:

>>> “Dare you to move” by Switchfoot on the sound system WOOT!!!

>>> Sunduni’s owning of the split pins, sooo cool

>>> Bubbles…hehe…distracting

Okey back to finishing uni applications…

Bye bye

Soo, it’s the hols, for yr 12s, is study time, for everyone else…go and have fun while you still can. So, this past week have been a blur, Umat results back, tons of SACs and all. Hmmm, I feel the need to be methodical now so I shall do this:


So, I wasn’t happy with my Umat results, oh well, you can’t be good at everything. As I come to realise it, God has blessed me with so many gifts and I found myself rejoicing in the talents he has given me. I know I have been blessed with some academic skills, but not that much cuz he told he, during my quiet time, the he has given me sooo much more talents, talents to fulfil the plan He has for my life. So regardless of my not so good results, God has openned more doors for me, and I hope that by following the God opened door I will reach and impact more people that I could ever imagine.

Friday nite

Youth!!! Woot I’m always excited when there’s youth coz everytime I get something from God for my life. Last Friday’s sermon was on the Checklist – Boy/Girl Relationship, not the checklist that you mentally tick off for the “perfect” guy/gal but a checklist to check whether you are ready for a boy/girl relationship. I must say, some of the points in the checklist were very direct and upfront but I think we needed to hear it.

It definitely was not a “soft” message as it is one of the most dangerous “things” that can sway you from your God ordained pathway. One of the points was “Does your mum and dad think you’re ready?”. That thing really hit me because us teenagers normally assume that our parents do not understand our generation, but as I reflected last night on the point, I found that, yes!!, their views are important, and that they only wanted the best for you. “Honour you mother and father” and God WILL bless you.


As I mentioned in previous posts, a few week ago God vividly told me the plan for my life. And as I reflect on my life, I can’t believe how many events and things during my life actually fuelled God’s plan for my life. I was amazed at how he slowly moulded me, in the specific area that I volunteered in church to my hobbies, all the things I do seem to be promoting his plan. Wow.

God has a plan for everyone’s life, no matter how it looks, if it doesn’t seem like you are following your God ordained path, always know that God has the best for your life. Maybe through a different pathway, he will be able to use you to a greater extent, using you to reach and impact more people for the kingdom of God. Fill your life with Godly things…sermons, praise and worship, books and prayer. Praise the Lord.

Mark Connor’s Blog – His blog has been interesting. And now Dan Lian has gone and created a blog lol.

Okay back to work…sooo much stuff to do…

Okey, there seem to be some replies to my previous post...

I will attempt to address the points mentioned by people:

>>> I am in no way suggesting that the big bang did not happen. Maybe God created the universe through the big bang~ Christians do not deny the existence of dinosaurs. The bible says that on the firth day (although the definition of "day" is unknown, it may be the literal 24 hours or a certain period of time) God created the animals. He may have created the dinosaurs then, or maybe after Adam and Eve. For that theory of the meteor "hitting the earth", it is also a hypothesis, dinosaurs may have died out when God flooded the world.

>>> With the painting thingy, I guess God gave man the brain and intelligence to create the painting. I do not disagree that man have not created beautiful things but when you compare's man's creation to examples such as the intricacy of the earth and the complexity of our body...wow!!

>>> The sense of right and wrong was originally created by God. As teohsulfate mention, this sense of right and wrong is from our parent, but where did they get it from...trace back until Adam and Eve, when they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Before they ate from that tree, they knew nothing of sin, nothing of evil or immoral things. But when they ate, they were suddenly aware of the good and bad; the tree, created by God, gave them that sense of right and wrong.

>>> With regards to Matt's question about "Who created God?". He was always there, the alpha and omega. Our minds cannot comprehend beyond our own created world. We cannot comprehend eternity because our minds are limited, we cannot imagine that the universe goes for eternity and that we live for eternity. We are always thinking that there has to be a beginning and an end (time and schedules was created by man). So God was always there.

>>> Regardless of what I said, no one can actually give absolute proof for the existence, or non-existence, of God. I guess you will have to weigh up the evidence for and against and make your own decision. As a Christian myself, it is faith that allow me to believe in God. Because I can admit to the blessings he has done in my life, I have faith that he exist and that he as an awesome plan for my life.

Just a side thinker...

Charles Darwin (the creator of Darwinism - A theory of organic evolution claiming that new species arise and are perpetuated by natural selection) wrote in his book amongst all his theories:

“To suppose that the human eye with so many parts all working together could have been formed by natural selection seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”

Acknowledgements to Mark Conner

p.s. wheeee finished all SACs for the term...holidays!! (i mean study time)

Well, just yesterday [read yesterday’s blog] I was talking about God and science and people who question God because of their belief in science. But last night at church, Mark started a three part series on “The Quest for God”. He began with the question: “Do you believe in God?”. At that moment, I knew God was talking to me. Mark gave several reasons for why God does exist:

>>> Look at the world, its intricacy indicate that someone must have created it.

Other talk about the big bang theory and how a large mass exploded into atoms etc, but where does the large mass actually come from? …… GOD

My thoughts: Yea. Things just can’t be there. Someone has to make, someone must be the ‘alpha’ to create the universe, it can’t just exist on it’s on.

>>> The world has beauty, design and harmony.

Eg. Look at a watch. Is it’s clockwork and intricacy the result of an explosion in the metal factory or was it the result of a intelligent being (human).

My thoughts: Good point, Mark. In addition, as I’ve said before, look at our human bodies, as if evolution can create our complex human body (boil ppl should know)

>>> Inside everyone is a sense of right and wrong. Where does it come from? ……GOD. It was God who gave us the sense of right and wrong.

My thoughts: Nice angle. We didn’t think of that Grace. Interesting…

>>> Many people sense God

My thoughts: Just like miracles. Miracles are acts of God, people can be witness to miracles, hence showing that God does exist.

How awesome does God works. When you ask him about things, he answers!! Woot!!

Bye bye

Okey…haven’t been blogging much…SAC and stuff. But its ironic how here I am blogging now with 4 SACs next week. Here is a recap of the past fortnight…

God (God comes first!! Everything else doesn't matter)

/// About a week ago…God realli spoke to me…hinted his plans for my life. It was inside of me all the time, through the things that I am moved by, but I was one defining moment it all came out. Some people may have recognised that I’ve been a bit “lost” the past week, but it’s because it’s a really huge and kinda scary plan. At first I thought, there is no way I can do it…its impossible. But the more I think about it, the more I realise God has been planting a seed in my heart since the day I was born, everything I do have been shaping me into his perfect plan. His plans for my life is exciting now…can’t wait for it to happen…I’m excited, as the day that I can hopefully fulfil God’s plans.

/// The lyrics of a song “Things like you” by Sanctus Real (aren’t they such an awe awe awe awe awesum band) ::Go and take a look at the flowers and the birds/God is always taking care of nature’s every needs/And how much more important in the Father’s eyes are we:: So, if God takes cares of nature, and we are made in his image, how much more important is us to him, he will definitely care for us, having this awesum plan for us. Always know that God is in control, he is the almighty God of this universe and know that he will take care of you no matter what you are going through.

/// Grace and I have been talking about God and Science. Someone said, “The more you dig deeper into the science, the less you will believe in God”. That really got us thinking, is science a good thing? Many people think that were, human are the product on evolution. But I don’t think so, I think the more we discover about the little intricate things about our body, the more our faith should be strengthened, I mean, how can ‘random’ evolution create such a complex being like us. Thinking about how the earth work (perfect equilibrium of elements and stuff as well as the intricacy of fauna, flora and humans) and miracles, miracles; just one word proves that God is up there. God is up there, stuff the evolution theory, God rocks!! Anyways, I don’t want to think about it, doesn't matter what the world thinks, I believe that there is a God up there, he created everything and that though him we can live eternally in heaven. I have more on this topic but will put up later…too much for one brain. (p.s. Grace, don’t forget who we have to see next Friday okay?)

/// For my friend: You know who you are…I’m praying for you…always

/// erm…got marks back for English writing tasks: one happi happi, one not so happi happi lol. Owell I tried my best, I not my English no good anyways>>>try to own the Lantana/Curious SAC this Wednesday
/// Physics: hmmm marks were good…happi happi for my prac SAC (group work works!!! The power of group work!!!)
/// Chem: bah…no comment
/// Further SAC next week…very very confused and lost…btw banks are such rip-offs.
/// Spesh: Applications task was surprisingly easy which makes me wonder that something fishy is going on o_O.

Misc School stuff
/// Got after school detention slip (yes…the blue blue one). Shocked!! Will try get out of it…lol…rebel.
/// Med Uni Interstate Applications: bummed…feel sad when I didn’t get an interview for Griffiths and UNSW…(special thx GOD to 2 friends who got me through that :P)…anyways it doesn’t matter what ever happens…it’s God’s Plan…and he has an awesum plan for my life…and your life!!
/// UMAT results coming this Thursday…prepared for the worst…smile smile…we’ll all be fine!!
/// Helen: Came to school in red glasses…haha…nah, you look…interesting Helen
/// Table-tennis: Yesterday >>> Mr Nyugen is good as lol, he was being nice to me and let me win a few point but when I saw Dave and him play…they were like 5m behind the table…and Dave was being mean to Yunn and me – “lets play guess which way the ball spins” – lol >>> it was fun though >>> haven’t played in ages ;)
/// Casual Day: It was footy casual day on Tuesday but not many people came in footy gear…me?? Essendon colours, the red and black!!

Other Randomz
/// Guitar: Learnt how to play “Stars” by Switchfoot…such a good song…and relatively easy to play!!!
/// Footy: Essendon out of finals, but nvm, Hird rocks (can’t believe he is retiring). Nail-biter elimination final last night>>> West Coast vs Collingwood…at full time scores are tied [never seen a draw in finals before]…tension…went into extra time but the good old Collingwood pulled through. Its ironic that I know more Collingwood players than Essendon lol.
/// Music: Missed the Switchfoot-Pillar-Antiskeptic concert nooooo. Sinwa said they might come next year yay!! Btw…”Awakening” in Switchfoot’s new album is sooooo good.

Ahhh…I just wrote an essay length bloggg. Great, should have wrote an essay instead but mind you, its sooooo much easier to write a blog hahaha. Happi happi always, life’s good, thank God for all the blessings that he’s given me. Next week approaches>>> aja aja fighting [go for it…everyone go and own the SACs]

Bye bye.

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