A Fireproof Life

Living a FIREPROOF life for the everlasting, almighty GOD of the UNIVERSE

Rangoli’s “Where’s Wally bad guy T-shirt” on mon train ride

Annoying Adren to death when he was trying to draw on the train

Me and Mel stranded in taxi cab while the driver talked to a very pestering lady that wanted insurance details. Apparently, the cab backed into her car, causing a scratch (evidently not visible to the naked eye tho) on her car.

Mel’s move – Ken (mel’s bro) came to Bendigo to help with the move. After a short stop at strath village (which we departed with Yan cuz of her doctor’s appointment), we went around Bendigo city finding Mel’s new home stuff (I ended up watching iRobot at the good guys and laughing myself to death while Mel kept getting prompted to try random beds at forty-winks).
Build mel’s bed from scratch ~ WOOT. We made a few incorrect placement of bed poles but got it in the end yay~ girl power! Surprisingly a lot of effort involved lol.

Lao Shi Nhat teaching us the ways of local anaesthetic movement around the body haha. Heaps of thanks to Nhat for helping me understand the lecture notes, Doey too. I ate heaps while listening to Nhat talk, maybe the food helped.

Nhat teaching us how to say Nguyen the Viet way…laughed to death when he said it in a strange accent to us.

Mel, Yan and I have a current obsession with muffins (not the bake ones but the maccas type). At halls there is everything needed (except bacon) for the perfect grilled muffin with extra cheese ~ yum! Henry actually almost thought mine was from maccas hehe.

Strangest and funniest convo between David Trinh, Mel and myself about self-cleaning pants and evaporating poo ~

Damian’s arm getting stuck between the bed and wall – it was extremely funny, a bit evil but all was well at the end. We filmed a bit of his struggles but then again, as Michael ‘the man’ Pang always says, what doesn’t kill you make you stronger =]

Me, Damian and Mel were laughing like crazy at this site I found when looking for synonyms for psych assessment. I have never laughed so much in my life ~ extremely funny

Playing with rubber dams in clinical prac with Yan >>> ahhh, the many uses of rubber dams and the endless hours of fun and laughter it brings.

Rolling on prac chairs like we’re stuck to it…never getting off and visiting random people while they’re drilling.

Strangely Ken, Damian and Nhat kept laughing behind us in Public health lecture – and me and Yan passing random notes to them in strange languages. Also, Yan writing random Jap phrases that made me laughed a lot. And the lecturer’s funny phrase the only me and Yan know the ‘secret’ meaning to haha.

Tricking Grace with the ‘coin going through rubber dam’ trick =]

Cooking up a storm with Mel – Menu: stir fried bok choy in oyster and garlic sauce, creamy chicken and corn soup, rigotti chicken with onion, soft rice and apple and strawberry blended juice (lol ~ okay I made it sound really really nice – but then again it was not too bad, just a little too much food)

Surprisingly remembered how to turn on the hot water heater >>luckily dad told me how to once. Help set up Mel’s hot water system

Getting distracted by tetris with Amanda

Amazingly getting 100% in a flixster Friends quiz lol, haha, nah…all Mel’s doing…she’s a die hard Friends fan!!

Singing along to David Trinh’s very (surprisingly) nice library of songs. Btw…I’ve made up an equation – Eternal Flame + certain person = *melt* (awwww)

Racing Mel in showering…I wasn’t fast enough tho

Pigging out on cookies, chips and juice with Mel then going slightly cukoo and tried to hip hop dance in my room.

Finishing 3 huge bunches of chai sim and bok choi in one meal along with all perishable items in my fridge ~ tremendous effort by mel and I although it seemed like the food in my bowl kept refilling by it self haha.

Procrastination- like what I’m doing now

Thursday nite: planned on doing CPA essay but ended up mucking around with Mel in my room: dancing, karaoke, eating, chatting, piano & bball (at halls), laughing at photos, browsing through both music collections

Meeting Alister (can’t spell his name) at my house, knowing my housemates. Then unknowingly hiding the green beanbag that Alister threw randomly into my room and causing my housemates to attempt to steal it back from Alister’s room at the halls wearing lab coats and sunnies haha.

Silent eating and communication between me and mel in the OHS seminar

A nice afternoon of playing piano and table tennis (had a some nice smash rallies with Nhat, tried to return Yan’s fast serve and I think I played the first page of “That’s why you go away” on piano a billion times lol)

Watching ‘A knight’s tale’ on the train and laughing loudly

My first ever footy match. Went with Sinwa, Karleen, Sam, Michael and Isaac – a very St Kilda game but Essendon did a bit of catch up in 3rd quarter but ended up losing. Owell.
Numerous half hour calls with Mel

Awesome message by Mark Connor on Saturday service (7 deadly sins) and meeting Cat and Jo Cheah (I have seen them in ages) and meeting Sam and Isaac and talking about random stuff

Still procrastinating the clinical practice essay!!

Loving jam session with my bro!

Adren, Grace and I all came wearing our Glenny rugby top at the same time

Discussing names of future kids with Mel (Mel liked Phillip whilst I liked Jacob). There were a few disagreements on good name choices and made heaps of noise in the info tech building

Yan making an April Fools sandwich for Nhat. I think she put in mustard, sweet chilli and wasabi amongst other items. Later, when Nhat ate it, he didn’t give us the response we wanted. He actually ate it and just thought Yan’s sandwich making ability is not that good.

Exchanging slippers/slip-ons with Mel, so we were both wearing ½ of a pair - and waiting for people to realise. Walked past 2 of my housemates – no response. Taking Yan almost to the uni to realise our strange footwear.

Peter Wilson was asking if anyone had done some kind of sanding on the body of a car whilst I drank water from my bottle, making my hand look like it was raised. Everyone was surprised that someone put their hand up and all turned to look at me. I stuttered my mistake and went red lol.

Mel and Yan came over to watch tv, eat watermelon and snacks.

Doing crazy stuff on the track with Yan and Mel, testing our flexibility, dancing, somersaults and cartwheels.

Mucking around with the UV light.

Dismantling and assembling pens in public health

Yan and I putting the rubber dam on the entire mandible in less than 3 mins – killing the patient’s gum in the process.

CU for the first time – it puts into perspective our place in Bendigo and our direction in Christ.

Calling ourselves by our tooth colour/shade - Mel = A2, Me = B2 and Yan = C1

Studied on train to Bendigo (preparing for quiz for oral health). We made a lot of noise shouting teeth sections and parts, I think some people were annoyed. Even when we arrived at Castlemaine, which is where the bulk of the people get on, we were still loud. Haha.

Oral Health Lecture was so-so (a lot of new words to learn and study~) and following that was the quiz that had to be complete between 10:30am and 12pm. Halls people rushed back to Halls, most preparing to do the quiz in groups lol. Yan and I went to Melissa’s room to study and do the quiz. It was pretty hard and demanding for the 10min window we had, asking of you to recall stored information quickly. The results came out soon after and I was slightly disappointed but no worries, there is still the exam ~ of which I will ace (haha). Also, we were mucking around checking out each other’s school ‘rugby tops (or varitations) and talking about high school.

The next few hours was spent trying to play Ken’s guitar, although I broke his string!! Ahhh ~ but his new electric is rad. Also Yan tried to teach me to play the piano using the song “That’s why you go away”. It was a good song to learn but slightly hard so I guess I’ll take patience and persistence, both of which are hard to practise cuz I don’t have a piano in Melb.

Public Health lecture was surprisingly interesting – discussing memory.

After dinner was more piano and bumming

Well, its been kinda a half half holiday mixing study and fun together. Its mostly study in the times that I am not out or whatever. Happenings this week:

Saturday: Pretty much went online and chatted for ages.
Qian and I decided to go to knox to get Esther’s b’day pressie. And I found a little losers bag that was on sale…hehe it matches my t-shirt so, yea…I got it. I kinda needed it anyways (but then its what everyone says when they want to buy something). But I do!!! Lol
Was a tad late for kids church cuz the bus timetable was slightly strange but anyhoo, kids church was fun as always (video, snacks and praise and worship and the vacuuming). After kids church, it was home to study a little bit but got distracted by msn, again. It seems like all the Bendigo kids are always online…I guess we haven’t hit the study pressure yet haha.

Sunday: Went out to lunch with Janice Ho, well, it was more like a takeaway lunch because we both came back to my house to eat the noodle box that we bought. So pretty much chilled and catch-up on things while eating our yummy noodles. Mel was supposed to come over but she had to do packing for her move. So the rest of the night was spent watching movies and eating ice-cream with my bro!! Well, I also sprained my ankle ehh.

Monday: Was a pretty relaxing day actually. Bummed the entire day and did absolutely no study at all.

Tuesday: Woke up extremely late and had little time to prepare for Esther’s b’day and stuff. Caught the bus to Qian’s house but she was still at the city, so walked around Glen Waverley for a bit and saw Helen in the library.
Later, caught up with Qian, went to check out Glenny’s new fountain thingy and we watched Saw 4 at her house. It very confusing, not as good as the previous 3 but I think I have to watch the entire quadruplet again to really understand it. We could finish Saw 4 so we took Qian’s laptop on the bus and finished it on the way to Esther’s house.
Esther’s party was fun, I like her den room. Played bridge, trivia game and caught up with friends (whaaa, so much to talk about!!).

GWSC's new fountain

Wednesday: Did a bit of early morning study before the guys came to watch movies. Isaac, Sam and Michael came over to watch Sweetney Todd. It wasn’t as good as I originally thought, too much singing and a tad too gory (especially when the blood keeps spurting out of people’s throat). I still don’t get why he has to kill so many people ughh.
After that, it was a lovely (not, more like rainy), walk to knox to visit Hungry Jacks. Sam had to fix up his roster and I just went along to talk and disturb my ex-colleagues. They were slightly surprised to see me but most were either busy or new, so I ended up not talking too much (the usual front counter gang wasn’t there awww).
Back to watching movies, ended up watching 30 days of night. It wasn’t that scary and predictable but I like the ending where Josh Hartnett sacrificed himself for his wife and a kid. Isaac’s mum came to pick us up to go to rolleramma.
Rollerblading was fun as well, me haven’t rollerblade in ages. Also went to Josh’s house later , not realising we left his pressie at the place. Whoops. Played a game and ate cake at Josh’s and went home. A few hours later…zzzzz.

Thursday: Study day...permanent dentition overload. Surprised by how much work I got done.

Friday: Woke up early to go buy books from Melbourne Uni…called Melissa to come with me but she was to sleepy. Somehow met Qian on the train and she offered to take me to the Melb Uni bookshop. It was nice of her. Qian’s student union membership entitled her to a 15% discount at the bookshop>>that was a surprise. Thanks Qian.
We walked around Melbourne Uni, wishing badly that I was studying there!! I was supposed to do my clinical placement thingy that day at 2pm but I wen to the wrong place. Who would have know that Whitehorse Rd could be so long and confusing.
So, I ended up having to call the dentist to tell her that I cannot make it. Unfortunately for me, she arranged some interesting patients for me to observe and I wished I could have been there.
Later was our lifegroup social at Jon’s house. The night was spent eating, playing pool, watching movies and tv and just general catch-up.

Saturday: Bumming and 1hr of dental observation (watched a lady getting her dentine covered up).

Sunday: Went to fetch Yan from Knox City after her interesting public transport ride from Melb airport to Knox. We did a bit of work but then got distracted by music and food. It was a pretty relaxing day but then we talked to Nhat on msn and we seriously got an ab workout…too much laughing!! And, as usual, we did our comparing Sydney and Melbourne slang and arguing which one sounds better lol. I contemplated bring my guitar up to Bendigo but it was too bulky. We slept pretty late after a midnight call from Melissa.

Here’s a short quick blog:
Woke up late (hit the snooze button too much) ~ Yan woke me up

Sent Yan off to Southern Cross station to catch the SkyBus to the airport (bye bye Yan)

Mel and I passed a harry potter train look-a-like (A Good Friday Appeal thingy) and decided to check it out. Some camera crew were reporting and asking the captain questions and, being as crazy as we are, we walked back and forth in the background, hoping maybe to be on TV hehe. Went inside and took random pictures and gave to the Good Friday Appeal.

We walked around the Crown Promenade area and decided to have lunch at Crown. KFC was nice but I bought too much and couldn’t finish (owell, there’s always my bro at home ~ tapo!). Passed by the cinema and decided to watch a movie >> The Other Boyeln Girl, but has time to kill before it started. Walked around outside to find ice cream and seriously considered going on the merry-go-round and ended up watching some performer doing painful tricks.

Ran back to the cinema and laughed heaps during the movie (strange movie). I almost cried at the end.

Had to hurry back home to do something so left my stuff at Melissa’s place and took the train back.Went back to Hawthorn with my bro at about 9pm to get my stuff ~

Early Prac classes…make dental moulds, as always. And also secretly ate Yan’s crunch chocolate and rolling around on chairs on extremely smooth dental lab floors.

After lunch, tried to read the set articles but ended up mucking around (as always)

Public health tute was pretty interesting. At first we did some mensa test thingy to test our so called intelligence. I got a couple wrong but surprisingly got some special things quickly. But then someone else (I forgot who) got only one wrong ~ yikes! Then we had to develop an argument that is FOR the separation of mentally challenged and the so-called ‘normal’ children. I ended up making the presentation for our group…I reckon we so won hehe.

Planning to take the later train, we took our time walking back to the halls but then Yan realised that she didn’t have to take a long time to pack her Easter holidays things and ended up taking the 4 sumthing train with virtually the rest of the dentistry crowd. We took the cab and met up with them at the station, and rushed onto the Melbourne bound train. Luckily we got the “good” 4 seater seats with Ki. Ended up being a pretty fun ride back to Melbourne: listening to iPod, taking random photos and laughing as always.

Yan and I were spending the night at Mel’s city apartment so we said our goodbyes to Grace and Damian at Southern Cross and took the train to Hawthorn. Mel’s apartment is really nice but kinda messy, as she pre-warned us, but then again, me and my bro get pretty messy when parent head for holidays so I wasn’t that surprised. Yan and I explored the apartment and we looked at Melissa’s childhood pictures. She has this awesome changing colour echidna thingy and we stared at it for ages, watching the sequential colour changes and pointing out which colour was our favourite.

Later, we went out to eat. Melissa wanted to show us this cool Japanese restaurant but it happened to be closed. So the last resort was Maccas. Also went junk food and snack shopping at IGA for our movie night. We wanted Yan to see “The Notebook” as she’s never seen it before. She slept about 1/3 of the way thru, Mel and I stayed awake until nearly the end. I guess we were all tired from the day. Yan and I ended up sleeping on the sofa-couch, and telling each other to not press the snooze button the next morning cuz Yan cannot miss her flight to Sydney.

Woke up with splitting headache and didn’t feel like going to clinical practice lecture…it sounded boring anyways.

More attempts at completing assessment

Played with the manikins in clinical practice prac session. Had so much fun, using all the tools that a normal dentist uses, except for the drill. Had a little too much fun spraying each other with water and using the air sprayer for “other” purposes. I really like this course now, the prac part is soo much fun. The dummies are extremely funny; especially when they can do things that a normal patient can’t, like spin head 360 degrees and open mouth super wide!! It was sad to leave such a fun class.

Waited for public health lecture and got tempted by ice-cream again (Milo)

Public health lecture survived by not listening and playing random paper games

Had a surprise party for Grace – oh sweet 20th Grace!! It wasn’t a surprise after all but it was still fun. The cake was yummy (tiramisu cake) and we gave Grace a t-shirt vest thingy with a belt. It was a nice moment. The guys played pool for a while and the girls played cards. I got kinda bored and hungry so ate random biscuits in my room with Melissa and talking about veges and their direct chinese-english meaning; Everyone wanted to leave early cuz of assessment to complete.

(photos thanks to Yan)

Took me ages to complete assessment cuz I went about it the wrong way, had to start question 3 again.

Slept late again.

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