Hmm...its been a nice couple of days...I'm starting to like English now, once u actually explore something it seem deeper, i mean, i dunno. I went for english tuition yesterday and I debate for almost the entire lesson with teacher about certain interpretation of the essay question. Cuz I interpreted "Romulus' dark view" as some kind of tunnel vision, uncompromising moral absolutism but she kept emphasizing that it should be more of a negative perspective of the world Yay, was extremely happi cuz she gave me very good mark for my essay. Anyways... yea...two days ago the sky was sooo red and beautiful and then the next morning so blue with white fluffy clouds (pics taken from upstairs in a very awkward position)...I like the red...I so serene and beautiful xP
Wow. And oh yeah...I got an impromptu driving lesson from my cousin on the way home from English tuition. It was fun...and I asked him sooo many questions, lol I hope he didn't get distracted by me. Anyhoo...seems like we're getting closer to exams nooo (*smack on head* duh of course we're getting close) lol...I'm getting really weird.
Sigh...I still can't believe I'm only beginning to like English now, I wud have help if I like English before o well... hungry and shall look for food >>
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6:52 pm
yoshhhhh go simmy~! you can do it~!
9:08 pm
booyah...English rocks lol. Photography career here I come...asif