So...exams are over...exams are over haha exams are over.
Spesh Exam
Spesh exam was okay...i checked itute for the answers and i'm pretty happy. It was boiling in that exam room, I rolled up my jeans and drank all the water in my bottle (regardless of warning, especially by my english teacher that what must go in must come out). And I did the strangest thing >> I did the extended response first, which is extremely weird cuz in the practice exams i have always started with the multiple choice. was okay lah
Max Breaners
Can't spell lol. So, after spesh, we (as in Gracie, Janice and me) decided to do they jumping thingy that we said we were gonna do. And faridah and yunn decided to join in. Many thought we we very delusional. Anyways we jumped and Dave took random pics haha. Later, when we regained our sanity, we went to Max Breaners before heading off to youth. Took yonks to reach Max Breaners, I kinda also stopped in the middle of the road haha. We ordered ice chocolate thingy and it was sooo had a little "Drink Me" word on the cup awwww lol. Chatted and mucked around then to youth...
Grace and Janice went to eat dinner (@ grace's hse) whilst me, Sinwa and Qian hanged around; preyouth area. Youth was awesome!!! Worship was rad. Thank God for M. Everyone jumped around like mad and Grace even went down to the front!! lol. Message was cool too..."Deeds" (Sanctus Real) brings meaning to the song!! But it's soo true, without deeds, your faith is useless. Brings back memories of the awesome x100 John Bevere sermon which rocked and altered my Christian way of thinking. Deeds, deeds, deeds, not just a song but something of eternal treasure if someone gets saved. Encoragement for me and I hope a step closer to God for M!! Later we hanged around table tennis was fun (wooo round the world) and secretly plotting to obliterate several friends who did not decided to show up to youth (can't blame them though cuz they are still having exams).
Post Youth & Sleepover
Dad picked us up (thank God for my awesome dad who is willing to be my taxi driver all the time) and Sinwa went home when we reached my house. Surprise...Yunn was there, an no doubt reading lol. And then began the sleepover saga...(did not sleep at all!!)
saw 3, John Tucker must die (again) and Jackass 2. All good as. Saw 3 was sooo good, best so far (havent watched saw 4 yet), the twist, or twists at the end was very well crafted and it was awesome. Not as scary as other two but more interesting. JT must die, decided to watch it again as Yunnn hasn't seen it and its pretty funny. Jackass 2>>>funny and very very stupid sigh, what has the world come to??
Other stuff:
Played computer games. Must say, Qian has developed a liking for car games. Made a sim family lol. Sigh.
Kidnapped Hello Kitty
Laughed ourself to death (especially Yunn, who pretty much laughed so hard she had to sit down)
Yunn's strange behaviour
Me bringing out the exact same soft toy as Yunn
Cooked!!! Omellete, haha...trouble >> talk about different views on how omelletes should be made. Yunn = soya sauce, Qian = milk, me = salt, pepper and water lol. Ended up being scrambled eggs, not bad. Cooked a heap load of hash browns and baked beans. Fun as!!, laughter... will blog more later lolz.
Booyah…English’s over WOOT>>no more English for a long long time hehe. So...past week has been interesting. Watched bridge to terabithia >>> didn't really read the book so can't comment on accuracy or anything but it's sooo sad...yes...i cried awwww. It's one of those magical fantasy movie ~ sigh
So, an old friend from NZ came over to stay for a day…and it was interesting. Apparently house prices in Chch (Christchurch) have gone up heaps, looks like pretty Chch has become more developed. Oh how I miss the good times in kiwiland >>> the city was a 20min drive and cookie time monster - It’s seriously the best choc chip cookie in the world and a regular size is huge. I remember ordering it from the tuck shop mmmm xP. Lol for those who know what it is ^_^.
The miniature version of the cookie ~
Just a side note…friday nite, I was a little sick. And you know how the first instinct is to eat Panadol or some medicinal item…but the first thing my mum did was pray for me. Wow…cuz sometimes it seems like we try all the possibilities then we look to God when we can’t solve it. Awesome!!! Lol (and all the praise to God for guiding us through the English exam!!)
Anyways. The rain was sooo loud last nite and this morning. Its funny studying for exams without worrying about English. Cheh, other exams should be okay lah. Btw the spesh papers from far back are really hard. Seems like each year the students get dumber cuz if you look at the 1999 papers etc, they are hard core. It’s more algebraic related rather than the relatively simple drawing graphs and antidiv-ing. Look what I found…
It's somewhere in the world...-_-' >> looks pretty though
Okay. Tmr is exam...have to study >>> or bum lol
Hmm...its been a nice couple of days...I'm starting to like English now, once u actually explore something it seem deeper, i mean, i dunno. I went for english tuition yesterday and I debate for almost the entire lesson with teacher about certain interpretation of the essay question. Cuz I interpreted "Romulus' dark view" as some kind of tunnel vision, uncompromising moral absolutism but she kept emphasizing that it should be more of a negative perspective of the world Yay, was extremely happi cuz she gave me very good mark for my essay. Anyways... yea...two days ago the sky was sooo red and beautiful and then the next morning so blue with white fluffy clouds (pics taken from upstairs in a very awkward position)...I like the red...I so serene and beautiful xP
Wow. And oh yeah...I got an impromptu driving lesson from my cousin on the way home from English tuition. It was fun...and I asked him sooo many questions, lol I hope he didn't get distracted by me. Anyhoo...seems like we're getting closer to exams nooo (*smack on head* duh of course we're getting close) lol...I'm getting really weird.
Sigh...I still can't believe I'm only beginning to like English now, I wud have help if I like English before o well... hungry and shall look for food >>
So...we are now in the final stages of VCE, the last little sprint to the finish line...and i'm here (erm wasting my time??). Tue was assembly and graduation. First assembly: I was a bit annoyed cuz we were supposed to be on before the yr 12 song but we got push to after the grad song. All the other year levels left, it was kinda the song wasn't as good lol. Grad was good I guess lol. Wed morning i didn't wake up (10:30am lol) early enough to go to breaky. phone decided to not work.
Well yeah, i'm kinda annoyed so I will go and search for a bible verse to calm me down...
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6
Yay...bak to work lol
So, as most know, I missed muck-up day today so here's why...
Got all ready and stuff...and was about to walk out of door when mum comes down the stairs...and she's like...what are you wearing...blah cut a long story short, she thought I was to "exposed" in the tube top so yeah...decided to go as invisible woman...was in all your pics lol (everyone looks nice).
So yea after dan lian's message on honouring your parents (Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Ephesians 6:1-3) i kinda decided to not rebel. It was cool though... I spent the whole day doing some light spesh and chem work with "In your freedom" and "Something Beautiful" on repeat (extra loud). Sigh...soz for not responding to your messages cuz I kinda ran out of credit after yesterday's frantic trying to find a way to get back from grad.
So, i was kinda sick yesterday, ya, practically did not work the whole day. And today is so x200 hot. Anyways this week is the last official week of school....booo...i'm gonna miss school, but then again there are some things that I would want to miss lol. Most of all, I'm gonna miss friends and teachers, especially my English teacher of whom is by far the nicest teacher ever!! So once again, i shall divide up the week in sections to blog about!!
Yearbook and photos
So, the massive amount of people asking other people to sign their yearbook. I have attempted to make each one unique to the person I'm writing for but sometimes it seems like you end up saying the same thing, especially the final words lol. I tried, but I think there is at least one or two sentences that is really from my heart that reflect the influence and impact that person has made in my life. And with my yearbook, it seems like the many pages has allowed for certain people to draw and write extremely random stuff in it (cough cough...Qian lol) but its cool, I'll treasure it forever. Thanks heaps to the people who wrote in it, your messages really mean a lot xD. And camera ran out of battery on Friday, but nevertheless, I still got some pics !! The class photos are cool and I will not forget Rob taking off his shirt and Mark yelling strange phrases for the camera lol.
Mrs Gray...English teacher
better. She's really awesome ^-^. What's more, she went to all the trouble to give each of us a 'going away' party bag to contain goodies. First, a bookmark to encourage reading (with some inspiring words of the back) and some stationery because she feared that many of us are severely deficient in this area and wanted to make sure we had something to write with in the English exam hehe. And, I thought this was sooo cool of her, she gave each of us a personalized (to suit our character) mr men or little miss book. It was soo cute. I got little miss magic, awww soo cute. I especially like Xuan's (apologies for spelling Xuan's name wrong in my previous post)...he got Mr, its very accurate haha. So awesome teacher...I have to get her something also...Awww, she's the nicest and kindest teacher ever. Every end of term she would bring lollies and miscellaneous for us to eat. Also, she always attempts to make class interesting, like puzzles to make us feeling like Christopher, chupa chups to test our describing skills and Tess singing and Grace dancing to help us understand the text.
Muck-up day costume & Final assembly
As most will know, I've left my costume to last minute. Went over to JH's house on Thursday to get some help!!! She's awesome...helped me heaps and I had fun. So I'm coming as a's supposed to cold on Monday but I hope I don't freeze or anything lol. Anyways...jamming session on Friday was cool, we actually sound good. I hope it comes out alright at the assembly but I'm kinda scared cuz we're going first...ahhhh. I've never performed to such a huge audience before. I mean i have but that was in a large group like for band ages ago and school plays etc but there's only 4 of us up there yeesh...i've got to calm down!! ^-^.
Since we are coming to the end of a significant year. Research states that we only develop a lifetime friendship with only 7% of our friends from high school. So...I want to acknowledge two certain individuals..."Gouda" and "Pogoshipo" (you know who you are). You two are just soooo awesome you really are!! Your constant prayers and genuine interest in my troubles is touching!! Your messages are always encouraging and uplifting at times when I felt really down. Both your actions reflect those of a friend and what Jesus would do!! Pogoshipo, thanks for being there for me and making me feel sooo important and loved. Your kindness and love has really made my year awesome. You're fun to be around :) Gouda, you probably know what i'm talking about (unless you read this on 21st or 22nd). Thanks heaps for your support throughout the year and making me smile soo much :P
Anyways...its gonna rain tomorrow lol.
shine...make em' wonder what you've got!!
Haha...there’s 3 weeks till exams…noooo!!! Well, this week was the first week after the holidays…and now all our sacs are done!! WOOT ^_^ Once again, here I am blogging…btw Mark Connor’s message last night “Prophetic words for the church” was awesome, and it applied heaps to my life. To recall >>> evangelise, prayer and generous giving.
Evangelise…I know that I have been trying to evangelise to others and I felt I have mature as a result. But I felt God really pressing upon my heart that I have to try harder…like a sense of urgency, especially with about 1 week left of school. And, even if it’s just softening the heart of the unchurched so that others can act on their heart. I come to realise that a little thing goes a long way. Like yesterday, I went to the VATE English seminar in Melbourne Uni. The train there was gloomy, a lot of people had long, tired look on their faces. I think that just keeping a smile throughout the train journey really helped…the bible says to be a light in the world.
Was also listening to “Shine” by the Newsboys. The lyrics…”shine, make ‘em wonder whatcha got. Shine, make ‘em wish that they were not on the outside looking bored” It has an element of truth…you’ve got to shine, be a light for Jesus, and everyone will wonder why you’re so happy >>> because of Jesus in your life. Also, once you’ve shown other the awesomeness of Jesus, they would want to know what is the motivation behind your cheerful character >>> a simple step in making the unchurch responsive to God. Be happy always!!! Mark also mentioned the 4 steps to effective evangelising, with three of the 4 being nothing about actually preaching the gospel, but actually reflecting the character of Christ by being a friend, meeting others’ needs ...
Prayer… I love Mark’s story of the missionary who prayed heaps. He prayed for the city of Muambi (not sure how to spell) even before going to preach there. That’s sooo cool cuz normally we jump straight into things and we wonder why it is not going well. As well as that, continual prayer is essential. Sometimes we go out and evangelise but fail to reflect and pray continuously. Also, I think that was a personal message to me…to encourage me to pray…the more I pray, the more I will see God move!!
Generosity…Also another element personal to me which is between me and God…anyways Mark explained how much we can give to the church which even barely impacts our lives. A mere 10% will enrich the church with much more funds to reach out to the community. Give generously!!!
Ahhh so like I said, yesterday I went to VATE…erm I was okay I guess.
Good bits…meeting Janice and Vincent (erm a different Janice and Vincent to the ones currently in year 12 Glenny), well they were studying in the state library…and we went out for lunch, I ate soooo much…and it was nice to catch up with them :P. Thx to Janice (I’ll call her JH for short coz I know like 3 or 4 Janices and I makes me confused too!!) for helping me heaps throughout this year… you are a blessing from God…I will dedicate a post to you sooo…thanks for being a cool friend!!
Good bits…meeting up with Grace and Xian…sigh…that Romulus seminar was kinda boring…and we couldn’t read the board (although colourful).
Good bit… train ride home. Grace went on the Lilydale train to meet Sam somewhere and Xian and I went on the Glenny train. Xian slept practically all the way…and me well I listened to “Something Beautiful” by Newsboys on repeat. I as I listened I looked around people talking a laughing, typical azns eating KFC on the train, people sleeping on the train (inc Xian), the beautiful blue sky…the awesome world God created!! It was sooo peaceful…like a dream…I music continually repeated “something beautiful” and I could see people laughing but not hear them (you know what I mean). And it was soooo nice to just see the world work and the awesome work God has done!! Off the train, I got Xian to walk in a straight line cuz he looked kinda drunk…haha it was funny to watch him. Then we got to his bus stop and found out that there was no service for sat and sun…poor guy, he had to walk home…
The past week…hectic…SACs, yearbook x2, SEAS and waiting for like half an hr for cupcakes and jelly cheesecake lol. Well…back to work…
God Rules!!!
Well, here i am again, blogging...haha...feels like in talking (in my head) to the computer, which is a weird kind of feeling.
Well, last night parents went off to life group, bummed out at home...and the rugby...i can't belive aus lost, obviously the best team on ground...sigh...jonny wilkinson, the world would be a much better place without him (lol...actually he's realli good, but i dun like him becuz he kept scoring so many field goals and penalties).
So I was kinda bored this morning and was wondering if the type of music you listen to actually affect your character (or karacter...for those studious Romulus people) or personality. I mean there is the obvious eminem which everyone should avoid but what about stuff like pillar and antiskepic and skillet. They are Christian bands but have a metal/hard rock feel to their music. Is it still good to listen to those music. Some people say the heavy metal is the devil's music but the lyrics in their song are actually glorifying God. I listen to pillar, antiskeptic and skillet but I think that their lyrics are just as powerful as bands like sanctus real and switchfoot in their yea...more pondering...
Anyways, the sky is soooo cool hehe. oooh and everyone sign up for planet shakers...its gonna rock next year...wheeee i already registered...yay...sumthing to look forward to beyond VCE...wheee. I found this recently, sooo funny:
At New York’s Kennedy airport today, an individual — later discovered to be a public school teacher — was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule and a calculator. At a morning press conference, the attorney general said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement. He is being charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction.
“Al-gebra is a fearsome cult,” a Justice Department spokesman said. “They desire average solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of absolute value. They use secret code names like ‘x’ and ‘y’ and refer to themselves as ‘unknowns,’ but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, ‘There are 3 sides to every triangle’.”
When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, “If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes.”
Yea whatever, bak to work...♪♫God is great
Stare at worm making its way across metal part of gate...
You start using other languages to express your frustration (haha I dun like argand diagrams)...
You start expressing your emotions using smileys and then laugh out loud at yourself...
You make yourself feel better by expressing that you got the method correct despite getting the answer wrong...
You makeup weird excuses like "copy fom calculator wrong" for your incorrect answers...
You make sure your hard efforts are greatly rewarded lol...
You go back to staring at the worm whose probably moved 2mm and now attempting to move up the gate...
Lol...haha, just thought I'd share my hols...hehe (spesh is sooo annoying and hard...hence all the random pics)
hehe bye bye
Whao…I haven’t blogged in ages. Well I shall try to summarise the past 2 weeks of holidays/study-time.
Sat: Brother got braces…hehe now he feels my pain muhahah…feel evil now. Nah, he’s an awesome brother xD
Mon: Seminars at school. Lantana was a bombshell; Mascahenas (can never spell his name) was super boring. Bryson was good tho, but went for sooooo long about exam techniques, which were actually quite insightful. Well, after that, Michael, Isaac and I went to glen to ‘sumthing’ for ‘someone’. After a while Isaac had to go back for the curious lecture, leaving Michael and I gallivanting around searching haha. Well we decided to walk to Paramount St (actually surprised we found it, considering I didn’t really know where I was going) to deliver the prez. Found Li on the way and he decided to chip in to the pressies we had. We got to the house and rang the door bell… no one…then his dad came out…awww, we couldn’t give some pressies through his dad :( lol… it was good anyways.
Tues-Thu: Pretty boring…seminars and study…
Fri: Dad’s 50th. Well we prepared a surprise for him…invited heaps of people…and waited for him to come home from work…and bang!!!…He was sooo scared haha. Had heaps of fun…it was a 70’s nite (so wasn’t my idea)…and dad got dressed up as sum afro haired guy lol. I didn’t have to wear anything “70’s”…hehe… explanation: wasn’t born yet. One of his pressie were 3 huge orchids …soooo pretty!!! So many different colours yay!! So I went flower mad as well, taking pics of all our flowers. Thnxs heaps to dad for keeping flowers sooo beautiful for me to look at!! I love flowers and can’t wait for house to be full of lovely flowers lol. (Will upload pics of the flowers at my house soon...)
Dad looks funny in afro hehe
Sat: Went bike riding around our block…racing and stuff…got owned by brother (actually not realli cuz my tire was half flat).
Look hands!! (thnx to Isaac for teaching me to ride w/o hands, still a bit nervous tho)
Sun-Thu: Same old, study…distraction…study…distraction…lol
Fri: Went to play tennis, courts just round the corner. Took the bad cement courts cuz the good clay courts were being used. And we discovered a new hole in the ground…looked like a golf hole so we played golf with tennis racquet and tennis ball for a while lol. Also did a bit of taekwondo hehe.
Taekwondo remains of yr 10 PE
Tennis...and..."golf" (which is the most boring sport on the planet)
Sat: Today!! Here I am writing this blog, procrastinating again lol.
Well. Better get back to work…im hungry…I’ll just go and eat some more weetbix, which seems to be the only food around…
So…yesterday was Harsh’s birthday at AMF bowling. I accidentally bang her prez against a rock, there was a gaping hole on the side but I think the pressie inside the box is okay. It wasn’t my fault, the rock crashed into me. =]
Bowling was fun. Everyone was getting too many gutter balls so we got the guards up. Then we all aced it!! I realised that you can bounce the balls off the guards so that you can hit the pins better. And guess wat? It worked a couple of times, hehe. I must say Esther did the best with the ball reflection, her ball almost always made contact with the middle of the pins awesum. Yea, there was a bit of physics involved but owell, if it works lol. Also, the “good” balls took ages to arrive back from ‘back there’ so I decided to work out the speed of the ball, hehe (its 1.428m/s, Yunn did the nitty gritty division). Oh no, physics is getting into my head. I got 3 strikes and a couple of spares, yay!! Happi happi. Rest of night was pretty crazy, couldn’t stop laughing.
Other cool stuff:
>>> “Dare you to move” by Switchfoot on the sound system WOOT!!!
>>> Sunduni’s owning of the split pins, sooo cool
>>> Bubbles…hehe…distracting
Okey back to finishing uni applications…
Bye bye
Soo, it’s the hols, for yr 12s, is study time, for everyone else…go and have fun while you still can. So, this past week have been a blur, Umat results back, tons of SACs and all. Hmmm, I feel the need to be methodical now so I shall do this:
So, I wasn’t happy with my Umat results, oh well, you can’t be good at everything. As I come to realise it, God has blessed me with so many gifts and I found myself rejoicing in the talents he has given me. I know I have been blessed with some academic skills, but not that much cuz he told he, during my quiet time, the he has given me sooo much more talents, talents to fulfil the plan He has for my life. So regardless of my not so good results, God has openned more doors for me, and I hope that by following the God opened door I will reach and impact more people that I could ever imagine.
Friday nite
Youth!!! Woot I’m always excited when there’s youth coz everytime I get something from God for my life. Last Friday’s sermon was on the Checklist – Boy/Girl Relationship, not the checklist that you mentally tick off for the “perfect” guy/gal but a checklist to check whether you are ready for a boy/girl relationship. I must say, some of the points in the checklist were very direct and upfront but I think we needed to hear it.
It definitely was not a “soft” message as it is one of the most dangerous “things” that can sway you from your God ordained pathway. One of the points was “Does your mum and dad think you’re ready?”. That thing really hit me because us teenagers normally assume that our parents do not understand our generation, but as I reflected last night on the point, I found that, yes!!, their views are important, and that they only wanted the best for you. “Honour you mother and father” and God WILL bless you.
As I mentioned in previous posts, a few week ago God vividly told me the plan for my life. And as I reflect on my life, I can’t believe how many events and things during my life actually fuelled God’s plan for my life. I was amazed at how he slowly moulded me, in the specific area that I volunteered in church to my hobbies, all the things I do seem to be promoting his plan. Wow.
God has a plan for everyone’s life, no matter how it looks, if it doesn’t seem like you are following your God ordained path, always know that God has the best for your life. Maybe through a different pathway, he will be able to use you to a greater extent, using you to reach and impact more people for the kingdom of God. Fill your life with Godly things…sermons, praise and worship, books and prayer. Praise the Lord.
Mark Connor’s Blog – His blog has been interesting. And now Dan Lian has gone and created a blog lol.
Okay back to work…sooo much stuff to do…
Okey, there seem to be some replies to my previous post...
I will attempt to address the points mentioned by people:
>>> I am in no way suggesting that the big bang did not happen. Maybe God created the universe through the big bang~ Christians do not deny the existence of dinosaurs. The bible says that on the firth day (although the definition of "day" is unknown, it may be the literal 24 hours or a certain period of time) God created the animals. He may have created the dinosaurs then, or maybe after Adam and Eve. For that theory of the meteor "hitting the earth", it is also a hypothesis, dinosaurs may have died out when God flooded the world.
>>> With the painting thingy, I guess God gave man the brain and intelligence to create the painting. I do not disagree that man have not created beautiful things but when you compare's man's creation to examples such as the intricacy of the earth and the complexity of our!!
>>> The sense of right and wrong was originally created by God. As teohsulfate mention, this sense of right and wrong is from our parent, but where did they get it from...trace back until Adam and Eve, when they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Before they ate from that tree, they knew nothing of sin, nothing of evil or immoral things. But when they ate, they were suddenly aware of the good and bad; the tree, created by God, gave them that sense of right and wrong.
>>> With regards to Matt's question about "Who created God?". He was always there, the alpha and omega. Our minds cannot comprehend beyond our own created world. We cannot comprehend eternity because our minds are limited, we cannot imagine that the universe goes for eternity and that we live for eternity. We are always thinking that there has to be a beginning and an end (time and schedules was created by man). So God was always there.
>>> Regardless of what I said, no one can actually give absolute proof for the existence, or non-existence, of God. I guess you will have to weigh up the evidence for and against and make your own decision. As a Christian myself, it is faith that allow me to believe in God. Because I can admit to the blessings he has done in my life, I have faith that he exist and that he as an awesome plan for my life.
Just a side thinker...
Charles Darwin (the creator of Darwinism - A theory of organic evolution claiming that new species arise and are perpetuated by natural selection) wrote in his book amongst all his theories:
“To suppose that the human eye with so many parts all working together could have been formed by natural selection seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”
Acknowledgements to Mark Conner
p.s. wheeee finished all SACs for the term...holidays!! (i mean study time)
Well, just yesterday [read yesterday’s blog] I was talking about God and science and people who question God because of their belief in science. But last night at church, Mark started a three part series on “The Quest for God”. He began with the question: “Do you believe in God?”. At that moment, I knew God was talking to me. Mark gave several reasons for why God does exist:
>>> Look at the world, its intricacy indicate that someone must have created it.
Other talk about the big bang theory and how a large mass exploded into atoms etc, but where does the large mass actually come from? …… GOD
My thoughts: Yea. Things just can’t be there. Someone has to make, someone must be the ‘alpha’ to create the universe, it can’t just exist on it’s on.
>>> The world has beauty, design and harmony.
Eg. Look at a watch. Is it’s clockwork and intricacy the result of an explosion in the metal factory or was it the result of a intelligent being (human).
My thoughts: Good point, Mark. In addition, as I’ve said before, look at our human bodies, as if evolution can create our complex human body (boil ppl should know)
>>> Inside everyone is a sense of right and wrong. Where does it come from? ……GOD. It was God who gave us the sense of right and wrong.
My thoughts: Nice angle. We didn’t think of that Grace. Interesting…
>>> Many people sense God
My thoughts: Just like miracles. Miracles are acts of God, people can be witness to miracles, hence showing that God does exist.
How awesome does God works. When you ask him about things, he answers!! Woot!!
Bye bye
Okey…haven’t been blogging much…SAC and stuff. But its ironic how here I am blogging now with 4 SACs next week. Here is a recap of the past fortnight…
God (God comes first!! Everything else doesn't matter)/// About a week ago…God realli spoke to me…hinted his plans for my life. It was inside of me all the time, through the things that I am moved by, but I was one defining moment it all came out. Some people may have recognised that I’ve been a bit “lost” the past week, but it’s because it’s a really huge and kinda scary plan. At first I thought, there is no way I can do it…its impossible. But the more I think about it, the more I realise God has been planting a seed in my heart since the day I was born, everything I do have been shaping me into his perfect plan. His plans for my life is exciting now…can’t wait for it to happen…I’m excited, as the day that I can hopefully fulfil God’s plans.
/// The lyrics of a song “Things like you” by Sanctus Real (aren’t they such an awe awe awe awe awesum band) ::Go and take a look at the flowers and the birds/God is always taking care of nature’s every needs/And how much more important in the Father’s eyes are we:: So, if God takes cares of nature, and we are made in his image, how much more important is us to him, he will definitely care for us, having this awesum plan for us. Always know that God is in control, he is the almighty God of this universe and know that he will take care of you no matter what you are going through.
/// Grace and I have been talking about God and Science. Someone said, “The more you dig deeper into the science, the less you will believe in God”. That really got us thinking, is science a good thing? Many people think that were, human are the product on evolution. But I don’t think so, I think the more we discover about the little intricate things about our body, the more our faith should be strengthened, I mean, how can ‘random’ evolution create such a complex being like us. Thinking about how the earth work (perfect equilibrium of elements and stuff as well as the intricacy of fauna, flora and humans) and miracles, miracles; just one word proves that God is up there. God is up there, stuff the evolution theory, God rocks!! Anyways, I don’t want to think about it, doesn't matter what the world thinks, I believe that there is a God up there, he created everything and that though him we can live eternally in heaven. I have more on this topic but will put up later…too much for one brain. (p.s. Grace, don’t forget who we have to see next Friday okay?)
/// For my friend: You know who you are…I’m praying for you…always
/// erm…got marks back for English writing tasks: one happi happi, one not so happi happi lol. Owell I tried my best, I not my English no good anyways>>>try to own the Lantana/Curious SAC this Wednesday
/// Physics: hmmm marks were good…happi happi for my prac SAC (group work works!!! The power of group work!!!)
/// Chem: bah…no comment
/// Further SAC next week…very very confused and lost…btw banks are such rip-offs.
/// Spesh: Applications task was surprisingly easy which makes me wonder that something fishy is going on o_O.
Misc School stuff
/// Got after school detention slip (yes…the blue blue one). Shocked!! Will try get out of it…lol…rebel.
/// Med Uni Interstate Applications: bummed…feel sad when I didn’t get an interview for Griffiths and UNSW…(special thx GOD to 2 friends who got me through that :P)…anyways it doesn’t matter what ever happens…it’s God’s Plan…and he has an awesum plan for my life…and your life!!
/// UMAT results coming this Thursday…prepared for the worst…smile smile…we’ll all be fine!!
/// Helen: Came to school in red glasses…haha…nah, you look…interesting Helen
/// Table-tennis: Yesterday >>> Mr Nyugen is good as lol, he was being nice to me and let me win a few point but when I saw Dave and him play…they were like 5m behind the table…and Dave was being mean to Yunn and me – “lets play guess which way the ball spins” – lol >>> it was fun though >>> haven’t played in ages ;)
/// Casual Day: It was footy casual day on Tuesday but not many people came in footy gear…me?? Essendon colours, the red and black!!
/// Guitar: Learnt how to play “Stars” by Switchfoot…such a good song…and relatively easy to play!!!
/// Footy: Essendon out of finals, but nvm, Hird rocks (can’t believe he is retiring). Nail-biter elimination final last night>>> West Coast vs Collingwood…at full time scores are tied [never seen a draw in finals before]…tension…went into extra time but the good old Collingwood pulled through. Its ironic that I know more Collingwood players than Essendon lol.
/// Music: Missed the Switchfoot-Pillar-Antiskeptic concert nooooo. Sinwa said they might come next year yay!! Btw…”Awakening” in Switchfoot’s new album is sooooo good.
Ahhh…I just wrote an essay length bloggg. Great, should have wrote an essay instead but mind you, its sooooo much easier to write a blog hahaha. Happi happi always, life’s good, thank God for all the blessings that he’s given me. Next week approaches>>> aja aja fighting [go for it…everyone go and own the SACs]
Bye bye.
Wasn't it good as, especially Mike G, he's a walking miracle, God bless him. Well, i shall start from the beginning...
Before 2:30pm Frantic sms between me and grace arranging meeting time and transport. Picked grace up, drove to station
2:30pm hooray, friends...bought train tixs...waiting for sharon
2:35pm Still waiting for Sharon....
2:45pm Where's Sharon???
2:50pm Train arrives just as Sharon arrives...finally...
The train there Saw random crate man (man made out of milk crates)
Ghost stories...oooo...even though atmosphere didn't really help (...shining sun). Julian's one's still scary...eeee
Flinders n Word Some random people giving free hugs...awww (was to scared to try...) Word was kinda small. They ran out of badge nooooo and the lanyards were very normal. aiyo. Browsed for a while, sooo many cds (drool...skillet, pod, pillar, third day). Had an Antiskeptic taste...okay.
Comic book shop Sharon, Amanda and Grace went to find food whilst Julian, Qian and me went to find comic book shop. Took us ages, up bourke st, down bourke st, went to find help (felt like tourists...hmmm), got help from nice lady that pointed us in wrong direction...up bourke st, down bourke, round and round. We discovered street sign told you important ha ha. Got there and wow wow. Awesum!!
Drool...xmen, ultimates, runaways, spiderman. And whaddya know...the radio was on (shopkeepers screaming at radio). As Qian and Julian browse the comics, i was secretly listening to radio. So it was looking at comics...then suddenly essendon goal, shopkeepers were screaming, i was half screaming...ohhh it was fun. So, we had to go, Julian wanted to stay behind. We left Julian in awe of the wide range of comics and went to find food, the others and transports to rod laver.
Pre-youth alive Found food at KFC and Hungry Jacks, didn't have time to eat so it as munch and walk, although it kinda proved nearly impossible with hundreds of people around. Didn't know how to get to rod laver, went to station (hoping to use train, just missed it...would have to wait another 25mins), so went to tram stop, soooo many trams and didn't know which one to pick...found the others!!! SAVED. Took tram down (so it was the 70 Docklands).
I was happy as ever, essendon won!!! I shouted essendon won then suddenly across the road came the reply 'Wooo Go Essendon'. Cool, found some essendon fans...he he. At Rod laver waited around a bit for other peoples to arrive. Went in, saw heaps of cool stuff. Ended up getting sweatband (which proved later to be heaps useful) and lanyard from SERVANT!! Cool as.
Go in to arena, rejected from mosh pit coz didn't have wristbands. Ran around like chickens finding wristband, stop by to say hello to sinwa, then mosh pit!!!
The big exo Awesum as...nubian gents = cool (there's this one Antiskeptic...woot, heavy bass and rocks. Mosh pit was.... moshy. Pushed around as waves of people try to reach the front. Qian and I got within a metre of front. then got pushed back again...nooo. It was boiling before actual even even started lol. Mike G was awesum, walking miracle and a testament to God's power!!! Yay. much like Reggie Dabbs. Even got the music and fashion like Reggie, touched so many hearts (even one of a friend!!! Praise God, he is worthy to be praised).
Song were cool, all the new stuff from hillsong n planet shakers. 'Healer' by Mike G, is awesum, was listening to it the night before and its soooo good. 'Hosanna' was nice too.
Later Throat was sore, ears were ringing (we guessed about 75-80dBs). Finished a full bottle of water in one breath, actually stole some of grace's water. Saw a few epic youthers, sinwa again, cheryl...went home. train was packed with youth alive kids. Got a lift from grace, went midnight shopping a home and there's mum and dad's lifegroup people. So it was noisy...but there was food...
Haha why am i up soo early writing this I don't are up (there's not that much). Okay back to physics (someone help me...i dun understand)
So, yesterday was my brother's birthday. Yay!!... not. lol. nah, i love him the little annoyance. Actually he's taller than me now, which is sad. There was once a time when I was taller than him where my authority would be actually worth sumthing, but now, erm...he has threatened my "che che" authority. lol
Morning of yesterday
Got up late. Dragged brother up hehe. Me, mum and bryan went to knox to chill a bit. Had lunch and walked and talked. You know.... Then mum decided to go back home but we wanted to stay and have fun.
Decided to go see Transformers. Got there at 12:30pm, still thinking we had plenty of time before 12:50pm start. Inside...why is there a whole bunch of people in a big mass in front of counter?? LOL. So we decided to go to 1:50pm slot. So time to kill...went to nearby timezone to have a crack at some of the "amusement" machines. Hah we owned the 2P FPS shooting game. Watch some poor kid go at it alone and he was...hmmm what's the word??....overwhelmed, bombarded. Kinda felt sorri for him, didn't even past the prologue. 1/2 hour bored and decided to go to to cinema early, watch previews etc.
Met Teo and Jacinta outside the main entrance. Teo tried to spoil the move for me -_-'.
Movie: Very very very good. Michael Bay is awesum!!! The transformers robots look really real. And its hilarious (a bit of mature humour, but humour nonetheless). Then walked home....
Actually did a bit of work...some i come chocolate!! (Yunn, I've done chem!!). Then dinner, ate heaps, went of photo taking spree and watched a movie!!
What about DARE girl?
Well, the free pass entitled me entry after 2pm. At 2pm I was watching robots kick other robots butt. Got out at around 5pm. Too tired to go :( Friends said it was okay...
Well Rach has to go back to work...UMAT, spesh, english etc....
What a weird title...can't think of anything else...well today has been kinda boring, working and homeworking.
Ahh, morning is....morning...don't do much in mornings cept sleep and breaky. Had a nice morning, everyone was still asleep and me, i was watching morning tv and eating. haha.
NOthing much to say except that my feet hurt now. 6 hours of standing!! Owell, it was quite fun though, only lunch hour was hectic but the rest was basically chatting with people. Talks of formal, crew party (17th July) and how much we wish we were at home. Eddie screaming at us to stop talking....customers were practically watching us talk. Haha. Crew party is "gunna be awesum" (Jess, hehe). Hope i dun crash the go kart.
Erm...did an essay. Excerpt:
The colour drained from my knuckles as I gripped the steel bars harder, hoping that the fear within me would subside with the increase in gripping force.My mind began to drift away…
‘Don’t look. Hold on’
Mum’s words replayed itself in my mind as our carriage approached the vertex of the track. The carriage shuddered under the strain of the pulley system, inching closer and closer to the summit. My eyelids slammed shut, restricting access to the visual world.
Okay... it was kinda fun writing it.
Okey enough from me. Must go back to work (aiyah, spesh is soooo boring)
Still cannot express the awesumness of their songs!!! i have listened to rebirting and whispers in the dark like a thousand times already....soooo goooood *melts* cant explain why their songs rock but they just do (luv their string sections in the songs)
cant believe that i can actually do the 3x3...wasted many 'frees' ( periods) mucking around with a random cute little 2x2 i found at knox city...okey enough about the cube hehe
yay!!! footy starts next weekend. bombers have adelaide ha...we're gonna thrash them *sniffle*..then again maybe not, but at least lloyd is bak woot. its on 1st of april...maybe we can fool them into letting us wish. interesting how carlton won the pre-season...i guess coz they got the best draft pick -_- action movie coming soon!! yay for using bullet time motion (like neo dodging bullets thingy in matrix)...its awesum and the visual effects look cool as!

awesum band that have since invaded my world...PILLAR!!! metal/rock christian band (creators of 'the reckoning' and 'fireproof' which incidentally is my alias) they rock with power pwhoooa! and...i luv their band name....pillar:- tall, powerful, strong!! :) their songs have heavy base and lotsa power (doesn't seem as hollow as other bands)!! Fav songs: Fireproof, Aftershock, Bring me down.

another power band...SKILLET. Interestingly enough its a mixed band (girls!!) i say someday there should be a revolution>> an enitre girls's band who actually play their own instruments unlike some girls group who just sing. Anyway...luv the depth in the songs although riffs are hard to hear, and not much solos, choruses are fun!! The best of the best - get ur hands on these songs frum Skillet: 'Rebirthing', 'Forsaken' & 'Whispers in the dark'
sanctus real: needs new album
planet shakers: boo i didnt go to their conference *cry* but awesum new album "Never Stop"
switchfoot: oh (gravity), nice new album
ah ha... christmas party at karleen's house... we had a very gud start then...mic blew up (not literally but more like it stopped working) was screaming along with the electrics (reved up for atmosphere!).i'll try to get it up on utube although we did have one with several (not particularly good) comments...anyway: its our first performance, i reckon we did a gud job despite having no kit or base)